Sps2.jpg (11135 bytes)    Already twelve years, at the head with the abbot Senior priest Alexander (Pivovarov) and conductor-regent Angelina Tolstokulakova, Novokuznetsk Chorus of Savior's Transfiguration cathedral untiringly and fruitfully toils and leads, aside from the participation in regular church services, verily gigantic enlightening concert activity. Chorus perform multiple concertoes (total number of which from a day of chorus creation is over one hundred), both in the native Novokuznetsk, and in cities of Kuzbass.
    Scholastic chorus of students of regent-choral division at Novokuznetsk Orthodox Spiritual Seminary is infused in the consolidated chorus, which participates in church services in Transfiguration cathedral. The best of singers of consolidated chorus is formed concert stuff.
    The chorus performes in kindergartens, baby shelters, secondary schools and gymnasia, colleges, institutes, musical colleges, planetarium, libraries, the Centre of development of a personality, the Centre for disabled, institutions, organizations, enterprises and also on conferences and actions in Kuzbass cities.
    Concertoes have charitable-enlightening characteristic and are accompanied by commentaries of the priests.
    14 octobers 1996 with the big success our chorus give a concerto on the main Russian scene from Ural before sea of Okhot - on the scene of Big Common-room of Novosibirsk State Conservatory by
М. Glinka. In the program of given concerto there were varied hymns of All-Night Vigil, Liturgy and different church holidays by composer - teacher of our Seminary S. Tolstokulakov. Novosibirsk television skimed film on motives of this concerto, which was demonstrated at january 1997 in Moscow on the festival of the films denoted orthodox themes.
    In 1996 on blessing of an archbishop of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk Sophrony our
first CD was written. In 1997 second CD was written. The third CD, under the name "The Russian Orthodox composers of the end of the XX-th century" was born in 2001.
    In repertoire of the chorus there is a prevalence of works of the composers, who are pertained at so named "Moscow church singing school", tortured in due course to revive the forgotten traditions of an ancient Russian orthodox chant. There are, first of all, masterpieces by S.Smolensky, A.Kastalsky, P.Chesnokov, D.Allemanov, A.Grechaninov, as well as works of the modern composers, followers of this direction at nowadays – the compositions of archimandrite Matthew (Mormil), archbishop Ionaphan (Eletskikh), S. Chizh and others.
    Chorus performs near forty compositions of a church composer, teacher of our Orthodox Spiritual Seminary
S. Tolstokulakov, which continue a line of founders so named “Moscow school”.

  The Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

© Novokuznetsk Orthodox Spiritual Seminary

Of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk Diocese

654025, Kemerovskaya obl.,Novokuznetsk,Zyryanovskaya st., 97
Tel.(fax) (384-3) 31-13-01,

Tel. (384-3) 31-03-08

E-mail: NPDU@mail.ru


Last update – 07/04/07


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